Tools for UTI

Many of my patients experience frequent UTI symptoms which are frustrating and uncomfortable and often occur at the most inconvenient times.  If your only treatment available is antibiotics getting access to medical care to receive those antibiotics can be a challenge.  However, most physicians don't give women options to work to prevent UTIs or treat them in their early stages without antibiotics.  In addition, with more antibiotics infections become more difficult to treat and can occur more often.  The broad spectrum antibiotics often used to treat UTI also wreak havoc on the body especially your digestive system and your vaginal health. 


Lifestyle advice to help prevent a UTI

Many people especially in New York City do not pee frequently enough!  Simply urinating more frequently is a good way to keep the urinary system flushed and prevent bacterial overgrowth.  Drinking plenty of fluids to stay hydrated keeps the urinary system from becoming stagnant.  Just as important, what you drink also plays a role in your urinary health. Especially surrounding infections avoid sugar and sugary beverages, alcohol and caffeine.  Sugar is excreted in the urine and literally feeds bacteria.  Also eating probiotic foods can help keep your vaginal and gut bacteria healthy which decreases risk of UTI.  Finally, patients generally know, but often fail to urinate after intercourse every time.  I tell my patients to try and pee like a race horse to really flush the system.


This supplement has been a life saver for many of my patients who experience frequent UTIs.  Most of us have heard about drinking cranberry juice to help ward off UTI symptoms.  The supplement D-Mannose is a more powerful form of the active ingredient of cranberries and also does not contain the sugar found in most cranberry juice.  D-Mannose works by coating the lining of the bladder so that bacteria cannot adhere to it, helping bacteria to be more easily flushed out of the system.  It can be used as a prevention strategy or taken at the first sign of UTI symptoms.  It has no reported side effects.  

This probiotic is formulated to help support your urinary system as well as protect your digestive system after taking necessary antibiotics for a symptomatic UTI