My Product Recommendations

Unfortunately the cosmetic industry in the US is one of the most unregulated in the world. The EU has banned 1,328 different chemicals, while the US has banned only 11 from our cosmetics. Some of these chemicals are endocrine disruptors, altering hormones, cause cancer, genetic mutation, or reproductive harm. Therefore, the responsibility has been passed on to consumers to research products, what’s in them, and wether or not they are safe.


Switch to a natural Deodorant

Aluminum is a toxic ingredient found in conventional antiperspirant. It is the ingredient that prevents you from sweating. However sweating is a natural body process and many people are switching over to more natural versions. There are other synthetic harmful ingredients in conventional deodorant so it’s best to avoid them. Some brands I like are Ethique (avail. on Amazon), Native, or any kind without baking soda. Baking soda has a high pH, so it can be irritating for the skin.

Moisturize with Oils

JoJoba Oil

This commonly available oil is an incredible natural moisturizer. It has anti fungal and antimicrobial properties, as well as natural forms of Vitamin E. It can help fight oxidation from the environment and is also great rubbed on the scalp to get rid of dandruff. If you are someone who has acne-prone skin it might seem counterintuitive to use an oil, but jojoba can actually control sebum production because it is so molecularly similar to the sebum naturally produced by skin. It is also anti-inflammatory and can soothe eczema and psoriasis.

Rosehip Oil

Another anti-inflammatory oil that is rich in Vitamins A & C. This one is great as a facial moisturizer. Be sure to consider the comedogenic factor of oils before using them on your face if you are concerned about clogging pores. The comedogenic scale can be found here.

Natural Toothpaste

Avoid Fluoride

Fluoride is a known endocrine disruptor. It’s best to avoid it. Some brands I like are David’s and Dr. Bronner’s.