Thyroid Health

Why HYPOTHYROIDISM is a feminist issue

As a women’s health specialist thyroid health is something I have developed an area of expertise in and feel passionate about. Current research estimates that 30 million Americans have hypothyroidism, 90% of those patients are women. Some estimate 1 in 8 women will develop hypothyroidism in her lifetime. Hypothyroid can be notoriously under-diagnosed because of the range of symptoms that can affect every organ system in the body. Many women often have ongoing symptoms for years before being diagnosed and treated. Furthermore, even when women suspect they may be experiencing symptoms of hypothyroidism routine lab testing done can often miss the diagnosis. Women’s concerns are often dismissed and they continue to suffer. For this reason, I also believe that listening to women and appropriately testing and treating them for hypothyroidism is a feminist issue.

Hypo vs hyper

I deal with two types of thyroid issues in my practice - hypothyroid and hyperthyroid. The most common cause of both these conditions is autoimmune related, including Hashimoto’s and Grave’s disease. I find that patients benefit most from a treatment plan that combines lifestyle intervention and medication. Hypothyroidism is defined as under-activity of the thyroid gland. Symptoms include weight gain, fatigue, depression, memory issues, constipation, and menstrual irregularities. Hyperthyroid is defined as an over-active thyroid gland. Symptoms include unexplained weight loss, anxiety, insomnia, diarrhea, and palpitations.

Hashimoto’s Disease  

Hashimoto’s is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the US accounting for 90% of cases. It is caused by an autoimmune disease which creates antibodies which attack the thyroid. Even women who have had the diagnosis of hypothyroid previously may never have been told that the cause of their hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disease. I personally think this is an important diagnosis to make as current research suggests supportive lifestyles as a way to help treat autoimmunity. This condition is diagnosed by ordering thyroid antibodies on a simple blood test.


What is the Hashimoto's lifestyle? It is highly individual, but here are some lifestyle interventions that have helped my patients who are struggling with general Hashimoto's symptoms like stubborn weight, brain fog, and fatigue.

Diet: Following a plant-based, whole foods diet has helped some of my patients loose stubborn weight and increase their overall sense of wellbeing. There are some documentaries on Netflix that can provide further information and get you thinking about your diet: What the Health and Food Choices are great. 

The best diet is the one you don't know you're on, so its all about finding a balance between eating healthy and feeling satiated and full. Do not starve yourself! Extreme dieting can send your blood sugar crashing, which further dis-regulates your hormones.

Exercise: Everyone knows that exercise is good for you. But what kind of exercise is best? Any kind of exercise that you enjoy is going to be best, because it will be sustainable and help lower your stress hormones. Find a fun activity you want to do again and again!

More specifically, the kind of exercise that has shown the most benefit scientifically is strength training. When you build muscle, it ignites the metabolic fire within, helping to burn calories even when you're at rest. Anything that gets your metabolism working is a good thing! Strength building also can help you feel more confident and give you increased stamina for everyday life, as well as help with fatigue.